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Health Show 11:00-12:00
How hormones direct our reality and physiology has captivated Lindsey Berkson’s consciousness, especially because of her own personal journey. Lindsey’s mother like millions of other pregnant women at that time was given the most powerful estrogen ever made. Hundreds of thousands of daughters born to these women, like Lindsey, had numerous health issues. This is what started Lindsey down her path in researching Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Each time she would develop a problem that medicine couldn't fix, she'd research the answer. She often found these answers in food, nutrients and hormonal balancing steps. This drug was the pivotal model in understanding how hormones dictate our lives, for good or bad. This estrogen, culminating in getting breast cancer during Lindsey’s 40s, has walloped her health over a lifetime. It turns out that many DES daughters got breast cancer at the same time, sufficient enough to win a class action suit, that Lindsey helped research and support. Lindsey Berkson earned a degree in nutrition from Goddard and advanced master’s degree from the American College of Nutrition and the American Board of Clinical Nutrition. Following that, Lindsey obtained higher certifications in nutrition (American College of Nutrition and the American Clinical Board of Nutrition), including a 100-hour course on nutrition and natural medicine at the National College of Naturopathic Medicine. Safe Hormones, Smart Women is a breakthrough new book on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and the beneficial impact balanced hormones will have on aging women’s lives. Science has once again changed its position on hormones, but most women and doctors don’t even know about it. Balanced hormones can decrease the risk of breast cancer, heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, bone fractures, problems with thinking from memory to mood swings, high blood fats, high blood pressure, getting fat, getting wrinkled, having poor sex, costly hospitalizations.
Alison Nolan will be here from Boston Harbor Cruises to talk about their amazing summer events. Boston Harbor Cruises' Whale Watches are both an unforgettable and educational experience. Their professional researchers from the Whale Center of New England, the region's foremost authority on whale populations, are onboard for every trip to provide expert narration. They'll teach you about everything from whale behavior and migration patterns to the local ecology so you can better understand our deep-sea friends. Their high-speed catamarans are the fastest, most comfortable way to view the ocean's most fascinating and magnificent creatures. Getting you to and from the whales in less time means you get to spend more time actually watching the whales. Check out our Photo Gallery and some recent whale watch video footage to see the fun.Our catamarans feature 3 outside decks for optimum whale watching. Inside you’ll find climate-controlled cabin space with cushioned seating, free WIFI, tables, state-of-the-art sound and video systems, and a galley offering food and beverages for purchase. Relax on deck and keep an eye out for humpbacks, minkes, finbacks and white-sided dolphins. Boston Harbor Cruises and main Ticket Center are conveniently located on Long Wharf in Boston next to the Marriott Long Wharf Hotel, New England Aquarium and just one block from Faneuil Hall Marketplace.
Boston Harbor Cruises
One Long Wharf Boston, MA 02110
Phone: 617-227-4321 or 1-877-SEE-WHALE (733-9425) Fax: 617-723-2011
Email: [email protected]
Lifestyle Show 12:00-1:00
Dr. Richard Henegan, MD, PhD is the author of a new suspense/thriller Gestation: Unborn Hostage that has received rave reviews as a genuine “page turner” with a harrowing conclusion. The author was born in Vicksburg, MS in 1952; the second child and oldest son in a family that would eventually climb to ten children. He was raised in Fort Worth, TX and attended the University of Texas at Arlington and graduated with a B.A. in Chemistry. Accepted into medical school at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, TX, he graduated in 1978 and was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha honorary fraternity for outstanding academic achievement. Next he moved to Dallas, TX where he completed a four year residency in Obstetrics & Gynecology at Parkland Memorial Hospital in 1982.Dr. Henegan opened a private practice in Arlington, TX where he remained until 1991. Gestation: Unborn Hostage is the author’s first published novel and another one is in the works. Professional as well as reader reviews have validated Dr. Henegan’s quest to pen a suspenseful story with strong, believable characters embroiled in the consequences of their life choices; then ensnaring the captivated reader with a surprise and disturbing conclusion.
Stephen Saunders, President and founder of Rocky Mountain Climate Organization. Stephen is former Deputy Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Interior over the National Park Service and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. He also served on congressional staffs as executive director of a House Democratic Caucus organization, staff director to two members of the House, and a member of the staffs of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works and the House Committee on Appropriations; as national policy director in one presidential campaign and senor policy advisor in another; and as manager of statewide and congressional political campaigns in Colorado. Stephen has a law degree from the University of Denver. Oil gushing from the explosion of BP’s drilling rig threatens precious natural resources across the Gulf of Mexico and beyond. Many commentators have observed that this could become America’s greatest environmental disaster. This report focuses on one key aspect of the disaster: the special, protected areas of the Gulf’s coast and the vulnerability of the valuable resources they are designed to safeguard. There are well over 100 national and state parks, wildlife refuges, and other protected areas and the resources within them that are vulnerable to contamination by the BP disaster along the Gulf’s coasts. In "Special Places at Risk in the Gulf: Effects of the BP Oil Catastrophe" a new report from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) and the Rocky Mountain Climate Organization (RMCO), 15 are identified that are considered to be top examples of the region’s special places now at risk. By highlighting some of these special places and what they protect, this report may shed some light on the amazing environment of the Gulf of Mexico. Full report is at
Michael “Dr. Woody” Woodward is a CEC certified executive coach trained in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. Dr. Woody is the founder of the Miami-based consulting firm, HCI where he focuses on career development and building management/leadership capacity. Dr. Woody is the author of the new book The YOU Plan, a book dedicated to building a career in the new economy. Prior to founding his firm HCI, Dr. Woody served as a consultant for PricewaterhouseCoopers Consulting and as a project manager for IBM Business Consulting Services in Washington DC. Dr. Woody currently sits on the Academic Advisory Board for the FIU Center for Leadership. To Dr. Woody, the recovering job market is like a bad movie sequel. You can tell it’s not the same as before, and what’s left isn’t very good.Dr. Michael M. Woodward, known by his clients as Dr. Woody, truly believes the Great Recession has fundamentally changed the employment landscape in America. “It’s no longer about chasing opportunities, it’s about creating opportunities” said Dr. Woody, author of the new book The You Plan ( ). “Thriving in the New Economy is going to require a new mindset. Job seekers are going to have to start thinking like entrepreneurs. This means stepping back, looking inward, developing a personal brand, and creating a roadmap for making it happen.” Dr. Woody, who holds a PhD in Industrial and Organizational Psychology, feels that “this time around, for the millions who are unemployed, the job market they are returning to looks nothing like the one they left. Welcome to the New Economy.”